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Bringing the industry’s hottest topics into focus

Media and Broadcast Podcast series

Join as we discuss some of the key issues facing media and broadcasting professionals - as well as providing an outlook on 2024.


Every episode will tackle a different challenge and discuss ways to overcome it. And the series doesn't pull any punches! It's spotlighting our people, their expertise and their passions. So tune in as we explore their personal views and opinions on some of the most topical issues at hand. We'd love to hear your thoughts and continue the conversations.

Episode 1: Economic uncertainty

With John Ellerton

Explore the financial pressures affecting businesses today. How is it possible to deliver the best media experiences while keeping your costs down?

Episode 2:
Broadcasting's got talent - but is it diverse enough?

With Natasha Jones

The industry needs to attract new blood, but is it drawing on a diverse enough talent pool to find the best candidates?

Why ‘Broadcast Interrupted’?

From end to end, your broadcast supply chain should be as smooth as possible. Every challenge that stands in your way is a potential interruption - and that’s what we’re addressing in this series. With 2024 set to be a busy year for the industry, we aim to help you navigate the changes so your broadcasts remain uninterrupted.