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Faisal Richard Mahomed

Director of UK Portfolio Businesses

Faisal leads the Media and Broadcast unit. With a passion for technology, he set the vision that has helped transform our customers’ operations by focusing on delivering brilliant experiences through cutting-edge innovation. 

Faisal was appointed Director of BT Media & Broadcast in 2019, and all BT Business’ stand-alone Portfolio Businesses in 2022.​

Prior to joining Media and Broadcast, Faisal was Commercial Director for BT Business’ Major Corporate and Public Sector. Faisal has held senior roles across various functions from marketing to operations, covering geographies from Sub-Saharan Africa to Latin America.​

Faisal holds a BSc (Hons) from Warwick Business School (International Business) and professional qualifications in marketing (CIM), finance (CIMA) and project management (APM) and is fluent in Spanish and French.​

He is married to Lorena, with two children Gabriella and Oliver.

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